Sunday, December 2, 2012

Panzer II Ausf. C - textures

A friend of mine asked if my Panzer IIC could star in one of his productions. A while back I made all the animations etc. and this weekend I've done a quick texturing job on the hull, turret and fenders which were still not UV'ed and textured. All in all this was roughly 13,5 hours work. More news on this project will follow later.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Republic P-47C Razorback colour

It's been quiet for a while since I was on a holiday and before that working on some freelance projects, but I've got more time on my hands again now to resume texturing.

During the last two days I've nearly finished the "labelling" on the plane (some lids still need numbers etc.) but also made some additions to the model itself. The reason is that I discovered it lacked a pitot tube and taxi light on the lift wing as well as the navigational lights on the right side :)

Please note this model still does not have any specular map, just getting the basic colour finished first and will develop the specular map once I start weathering it.

The markings are of Robert A. Lamb from 56th Fighter Group in 1943. I've not got something in mind for that particular aircraft but needed to pick one for working:)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Republic P-47C Razorback cockpit

The cockpit is finished as far as I'm concerned, added a subtle layer of dust on top of the scratches and other dust/grime.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

BUMP/RIGGING: P-47C Razorback

I nearly finished the rig now, still looking into the gear as there is a problem with a gimbal-lock I think. The rest is all hooked up to fancy sliders and working!

And here is the finished bump map for the exterior. There might be something to add later you never know :) Enjoy!

Cobra 6

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Rigging: Republic P-47C Razorback

Today I did not feel like texturing much so I decided to finish up the rigging of this bird to get it to a workable level. I've finished both landing gears (they close now properly at any angle of the bird with all covers etc.) and the flap arrangement. Now the flaps were quite interesting as this is roughly what they do when extending or contracting:

As you can see there are multiple hinges and dependencies here so it was a nice challenge to get working on both sides and still have them work whichever way you turn the plane :D

Some beauty shots I also felt like making:


Still some texturing glitches in the colour map and I haven't fully finished the bump yet.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Texturing: Republic P-47C Razorback

I've been busy unwrapping the P-47 and consequently started texturing. So far the bump map for the exterior is almost complete and there is a basic colour map for the exterior, interior and engine.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Republic P-47C Razorback

The model of my P-47C is finally complete, time to move on to UV's and texturing!
More renders and wireframes can be found on my website here