Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Republic P-47C Razorback colour

It's been quiet for a while since I was on a holiday and before that working on some freelance projects, but I've got more time on my hands again now to resume texturing.

During the last two days I've nearly finished the "labelling" on the plane (some lids still need numbers etc.) but also made some additions to the model itself. The reason is that I discovered it lacked a pitot tube and taxi light on the lift wing as well as the navigational lights on the right side :)

Please note this model still does not have any specular map, just getting the basic colour finished first and will develop the specular map once I start weathering it.

The markings are of Robert A. Lamb from 56th Fighter Group in 1943. I've not got something in mind for that particular aircraft but needed to pick one for working:)